Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Aftercare Reminders for Microdermabrasion Treatments

After your procedure, it is recommended to observe the following in order to avoid any complications. This applies to both clinical procedures and at home microdermabrasion machines.

After 12 hours

  • No makeup or any topical skincare that is not cleared by the aesthetician. If you're doing at home microdermabrasion, included harsh creams and toners.

After 24 hours

  • No hair removal treatments like waxing, depilatories, etc. Men should close shave be before the treatment.
  • No swimming

After 48 hours

  • No collagen injections, Botox, or dermal fillers. If being done before the treatment, wait at l east 14 days to allow the fillers to settle in the skin.
  • No sun exposure including sun beds and saunas

After 72 hours

  • No using of hydroxy acids including AHA, retinoids, or glycolic acids
  • No using of heavy and strong creams
  • No using of mechanical exfoliation like facial wash with beads

General care

  • Make sure to wear sunscreen with a minimum spf of 30 and formulated for sensitive skin. This is to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • Use moisturizers to hydrate the skin and prevent any peeling.
  • Choose products that have a pH of between 4.5 and 7. 
  • As a general rule, essential oils and organic botanical ingredients should not be used to avoid any allergic reactions.
  • If undergoing laser treatments, it is recommended that the laser treatments be finished before moving on to microdermabrasion for maintenance. Allow two weeks between the procedures.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Your Guide to Microdermabrasion Treatments

Microdermabrasion is a progressive treatment that gently removes the upper layer of the skin over a course of several sessions.

The space between treatments are every 2-3 weeks. This means that the previous layer of skin that was removed have not yet rebuilt. This will also build the patient's tolerance for the treatment.

Once the intensity of the treatments are increased, the depth of the penetration also increases which makes it very effective against comedonal acne, superficial scarring, and fine lines.

The number of treatments vary per patient, but the average is 6-10. After this, a monthly maintenance session is advised to maintain results.

Patients with more problematic skin issues may need longer.

Patient Consultations

Before proceeding with the treatments, the following must be checked by the assigned aesthetician or dermatologist.

  • Contraindications must be cleared with the patient to avoid complications.
  • Perform a skin analysis to know which areas to avoid is if any, e.g. Broken capillaries, sunburnt skin, etc.
  • Identify areas that require special attention, e.g. Hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, open pores, etc.
  • Map out a treatment plan to learn the cost, duration, and frequency of treatments and be as cost-effective as possible.
  • Understand what the treatment is and how it may feel once under the device. Also explain how the skin might react depending on their skin type.
  • Learn about aftercare procedures and how to properly look after the skin.
  • Adopt a skincare regimen that accommodates periodic treatments to help with the healing and improve results.
  • If necessary, record your sessions to through a diary with photos to track improvements.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How Does Microdermabrasion Work and What are the Benefits?

Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure aiming for skin rejuvenation and renewal.

It can be applied to male or female patients at any age, and for all skin types.

It is mainly used in the face but is also applicable in the hands, back, chest, neck, shoulders, and other areas of the body.

The process takes no downtime at all, unlike other skin treatments like chemical peeling. It is also relatively painless and very effective, making it very popular among dermatologists.

How it Works

Microdermabrasion devices use a highly controlled wand with fine micro-crystals that gently exfoliate dead skin cells. This process introduces fresh new skin to come to the surface, resulting in younger looking skin.


Some of the obvious benefits include:
  • Minimal risk
  • No downtime
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Applicable for all skin types

The procedure is used as treatment for:
  • Treatment for fine lines and wrinkles
  • Solution for acne and pimples
  • Superficial scars
  • Sun damage
  • Blackheads and whiteheads (comedones)
  • Pigmentation
  • Oily skin
  • Dry skin
  • Age spots

Microdermabrasion is a safe and easy alternative to chemical peeling and is preferred by most dermatologists in the United States.